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  • Nate Thurston

Disney Admits Going Woke is Costing Money & More Good Things on White-Pill Wednesday || EP 1123

Wednesdays are "White-Pill Wednesday" on Good Morning Liberty. It's always nice to take a step back and bask in the glory of being right about things, or marvel at new technological innovations.

Struggling Disney hints its woke politics ‘present risks to our reputation and brands’

Experimental drug cuts heart disease risk factor by 96%

Exposing plants to an unusual chemical early on may bolster their growth and help feed the world

All 41 Workers Rescued From Collapsed Tunnel in India Himalayas After 17 Days Trapped


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Nate Thurston: [00:00:00] Is Good

Charlie Thompson: Morning Liberty.

Nate Thurston: Well,

Charlie Thompson: what is going on all of our Liberty loving friends? Welcome back to another fantastic episode of Good Morning Liberty. I'm one of the hosts here, Charles Chuck Thompson. With me, as always, the one who knows just about everything there is to know about Napoleon now. Mr. Nathaniel Napoleon Paul Thurston.


Nate Thurston: up, man? How's it going? It's going pretty good. Yeah, I'm tired like you we went and saw a movie last night and Joaquin got out really Joaquin Phoenix It was a great role for him because it just required like little to no emotion You know someone who could be kind of crazy and all that stick Definitely.

Yeah, we both find found out that we knew A little to nothing about Napoleon at all. Yeah. And uh, assuming that this movie is accurate in any [00:01:00] way, a completely different person than we thought, but I don't know how, I mean, maybe Joaquin put his own dorky spin on the character. I don't know what it is. It was a decent movie.

It was. It was good. It was good.

Charlie Thompson: I

Nate Thurston: have higher expectations. Yeah, I did too. You know, when they put on the, when they put on the, uh, these days trailers for movies are just so good. You know, they've perfected the art of making trailers for movies. People should win awards just for the trailers. They did spoiler, they did spoil one of the coolest moments in the movie.

In the trailer. Uh, which is that battle where he forces them onto the lake, uh, and that's on the trailer. Um, if you're planning on going to see the movie, I, I think it's a fine movie to go and see. It wasn't what I expected. You see in the trailer, like, same guy that did Gladiator. And so you kind of think it's going to have that same epic feeling that Gladiator had.

That [00:02:00] just big epic with the massive epic climax and the hero and the, all that stuff. And really it was just sort of a movie that floated along. I would say there's like, not much dynamic range to the movie. Like there's big battles in the beginning and And throughout the two and a half hour movie, but it's like, if you could measure the emotion of the movie, I would say just runs flat like this and then it's just, and then it's over and that's it.

Kind of like you. Yeah. Just like, just like me, never, never showing any emotions at all. So like it never really got, I never felt emotionally invested in the movie. I'm like, okay, that's a cool battle that's happening right there. Look at that guy right there. He just got blown apart by. Cannonball. I should look at cannonball sometime.

That's pretty cool. And then, oh, look at that. And like, that's just kind of how I felt watching the movie. And I thought the way they

Charlie Thompson: did it, it made Napoleon not seem as dominant as I think he [00:03:00] was. Well, or like,

Nate Thurston: we had assumed he was through the little bit of history we were told. Well,

Charlie Thompson: they went through the timeline really quickly.

I gotta pay attention to the dates. Oh, yeah. Because if you look at the dates, then you're like, oh, wow, that's like, okay,

Nate Thurston: 40 years. Yeah, the movie spans, I think the movie spans like 25 years or something like that. It starts in the late, in the early 1790s,

Charlie Thompson: 1780s. Maybe 80s. Yeah, 1780s to like 1814, I

Nate Thurston: thought.

1815. Something, okay, maybe it was 15. Yeah, everyone write it down. It was 15, not 14. Okay, so

Charlie Thompson: So anyhow Napoleon

Nate Thurston: rules. I honestly knew you didn't pay attention to the dates either. I knew nothing about him I had no idea that he was the Emperor of France at some point in time I thought he was just this random conqueror that went around conquering lands and ruling lands and like that's all I heard just this this Con not Conquistador, but this, this [00:04:00] Conqueror, this Conquest, to go around just taking over people's lands, and that's what, that's kind of what I heard, and he was a super short guy with a big funny hat.

And just went around killing a bunch of people, and he went around killing a bunch of people, but he was, they were like fighting battles, uh, for the French, which I know none of their history at all. I don't even know anything about the French Revolution.

Charlie Thompson: It does explain why the French people are angry. I think, yeah, he gives a good representation of just, you know, French people being angry.


Nate Thurston: think it showed back then they were good at protests too. You know, they've been,

Charlie Thompson: French have been protesting for a long

Nate Thurston: time. Yeah. That's maybe where protests originate, uh, but I didn't, yeah, I just didn't know much about the history and, uh, they kind of didn't do a great job explaining the history, like why things were happening.

Why it was important, you know, what they were trying to do. I didn't understand what their [00:05:00] system of government was. There's these five guys that are meeting, but then they just have them sign something and they, they resigned. And now there's these three dudes and, and then how do you just pick a King? I thought that had to be a specific bloodline or something.

You know, but you're just like, Oh yeah, we, no, there's one that just didn't make much sense, you

Charlie Thompson: know, then we're going to oust this one dude no longer. Yeah. I

Nate Thurston: didn't get it. Yeah. Honestly, a lot of it didn't make any sense. I gotta tell

Charlie Thompson: you, you know, 1775 to like 1820, that was a crazy

Nate Thurston: period of time. It was a wild time to be alive.

A lot of

Charlie Thompson: war happening everywhere. Yeah. In America, in Europe, in Russia. Yep. I mean, and could you imagine marching from like France to Russia? That's a long walk. It's a hell of a

Nate Thurston: march. A lot of, lost a lot of good men out there. Yeah, you know, like 500, 000 of them.

Charlie Thompson: This isn't a movie review podcast. No, it's not.

It's a fine movie. If you want to go see it, I wouldn't [00:06:00] recommend people run out and clear your schedule. I

Nate Thurston: don't think you have to go see it in an IMAX or anything like what we kind of did last night. You can see the normal movie theater at normal movie prices. That would be fine too. Wait till it comes to your TV.

That's fine. I like seeing stuff in the theater. Do you think guys like seeing stuff in theaters more than girls? Like do you because we care about things more like when I go to a theater I want the big screen, I want the epic sound, I want that feeling. Do girls, I know this is kind of talking in general, but I don't think my wife feels the same way about going to a movie that I do.

Unless it's the Barbie movie. You know, well she didn't know, she thought that looked dumb. Thank God. Uh. But I don't know if because guys are so into things and maybe like including sound and picture quality and all of that stuff that maybe girls aren't as interested in seeing things in the theater.

Charlie Thompson: A few ladies in the Fed Haters group, I see one yes, we like that

Nate Thurston: too.[00:07:00]

Okay, I'm not, I'm just talking in general. Okay. I know a lot of, I know some girls who love the comic book movies, all the Marvel stuff and they always go see them in theaters and stuff like that. And of course, those

Charlie Thompson: girls I see going to the theater have blankets. Yeah. Last night when I was walking in, I saw several girls in pajamas and blankets and I was like, you look comfy.

Nate Thurston: One reason might be once again, just talking in general, I don't think, Oh, it's important to the first story. Oh, that's why. Yeah. The first story is about movies. So, it is White Pill Wednesday, by the way. This is Good Morning Liberty. We talk about life, liberty, and pursuit of meaning every single day of the week.

And movies. One reason might be, uh, that, uh, in general, girls don't like action and war and, and, uh, sci fi quite as much as guys do. Just quite as much. I'm not saying that they don't like them, or that there are some girls that are way cooler than all the other girls. [00:08:00] Or anything like that. I'm just saying that you took a survey in general

Charlie Thompson: you took a survey and overall Yeah, like well, we got a majority of

Nate Thurston: women.

We have a genre called chick flicks Yeah, we don't call all the other movies dick flicks. Like that's not something that we do. Although maybe we should yeah, you know Mm hmm. Can that go on the radio? I don't

Charlie Thompson: I don't know. Okay, you should have said penis flakes Scientifically,

Nate Thurston: right Yeah, so, you know, like a chick flick, do you have to see that in the movie theater?

Really? I mean, you could watch that at home curled up on the couch with your fire going and your dog's head in your lap or whatever with a bowl of ice cream.

Charlie Thompson: But both genders like to watch things that are unrealistic. Yeah.

Nate Thurston: True. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's all about this world that we'll never reach or aspiring towards that doesn't actually exist for guys.

It's like superheroes and war and space travel and all that. And for girls, it's like a [00:09:00] perfect relationship with men who don't actually exist. Right, exactly.

Charlie Thompson: Okay.

Nate Thurston: Here's a white bill to talk about. And Disney, Disney in their recent filing has hinted that it's, uh, Paul, they're political. Stance their woke politics, they didn't use the word woke as presenting risks to their reputation and their brands.

Yes, hinting that they, um, have sort of taken a stance on things and that that is harming. The company and because

Charlie Thompson: Republicans buy sneakers to

Nate Thurston: exactly. Yeah. And so they had another movie bomb over the holiday weekend, which was a movie called wish a wish, which I hadn't heard of, but I

Charlie Thompson: didn't hear of it till last night when there was a preview for

Nate Thurston: apparently that bombed as well.

And so they've had a lot of movies not do very well and their, [00:10:00] their stock has been taking a big hit. And I think this is a precursor to them making some changes, and I think what they first have to make the case for is that what they are doing and taking some of this, uh, political, cultural stance is harming their business and is harming their investors, because when they start to make a change back towards normal Disney, some people are going to get mad, and some people are going to try to boycott them.

And a lot of people will be very upset with this. And so they've got to kind of build the foundation right now with their investor base that they've got to turn back towards the old way of doing things, which is making movies that people want to see, you know, and, and that's what they're going to have to go towards.

I guess some of the story here that all people want to see. Yes. Yeah. The Walt Disney company acknowledged that it's left leaning politics may have alienated a segment of the population, putting the dent. In the house of mouses, bottom [00:11:00] line, a recent company filing with the SEC included a reference to risks relating to misalignment with public and consumer tastes.

Generally, our revenues and profitability are adversely impacted when our entertainment offerings and products, as well as our methods to make our offerings and products available to consumers. Do not achieve sufficient consumer acceptance, they said in their SEC filing. Disney went on to note that consumers perceptions of our position on matters of public interest, including our efforts to achieve certain of our environmental and social goals, often differ widely and present risks to our reputation and brands.

Uh, CEO Bob Iger who retook the reins at Disney a year ago after Bob Chapek came under fire for his management told investors in late September that the company will quiet the noise in a culture war that has pitted social conservatives against the global media community. And entertainment conglomerate.

Charlie Thompson: They also lost their private property.

Nate Thurston: They lost that too. That's a huge loss. This article talks about the thing with DeSantis [00:12:00] too, which we, if you haven't heard us talk about it before, I'm against what DeSantis did with Disney in Florida. I think that that was one of the few examples of

Charlie Thompson: like They should just go back to creating magic.

You know? Yeah. Cartoons and like magical experiences for kids and families

Nate Thurston: alike. And stuff that like more people I want to see and not be going with all of these. I'm not saying that every one of these storylines is woke. I think that people go too far calling stuff, stuff woke. Like if it, it can go so far as a movie has a black lead character.

And they're like, Oh, this movie is woke. That's not woke. It's just because it's not a white person. It doesn't mean it's well, the problem is,

Charlie Thompson: but they come out and say like, well, we needed to make this movie represent the

Nate Thurston: reason that they did


Charlie Thompson: stop saying stuff like that, just make the movie. Yeah, yeah, you know don't don't there should be no motivation behind it.

It's like well this Blacklea character was the best fit for

Nate Thurston: Mermaid [00:13:00] or you take a story where maybe the guy was the hero and you flip it around And you make the girl the hero because there weren't enough movies where the girls were were heroes I mean you see a lot of that like she doesn't need a man They had the whole thing with Snow White which is Getting pushed back and back where they weren't even going to use the dwarves and she wasn't going to get rescued by a prince And all this stuff like why not just make a different movie then and not call it snow white I can rescue myself.

Yeah, like that whole this whole idea and I understand there's a there's a place For that, because I do think that people like to see themselves in the movies that they're watching, you know, like when you watch a movie, here's why it's important that people complaining about the way that they've changed up characters and stuff in movies in the last like five or 10 years or whatever.

And I, I mean, I've, I've noticed it. Well, the reason they change up the characters is the reason that maybe [00:14:00] people, white dudes like us might not like the movies as much, we could get called racist. For not liking a movie where the character, the lead hero is a black woman, you know, and like, well, I'm not quite as interested in that.

I don't, I don't care. Like I would have been,

Charlie Thompson: well, is it a good movie or not? That's

Nate Thurston: true. That's all I care. I only care because I get slightly annoyed because of what we just talked about, which is why did they do that? Because what that's, that's where exactly,

Charlie Thompson: that's why I said just make the movie. I can't

Nate Thurston: get that political thing out of my head.

Like, why did they make this decision? The reason that matters is why did they pick that person as a lead? They say that they picked the person because people need to see themselves in that role, you know? And a black woman needs to see a movie where a black woman is the hero, or a woman needs to see a movie where the woman is the hero or a little Girls need to see that.

And what they're admitting is people need to see that, including us white people need to see it too. I've thought a [00:15:00] lot about this, like people, that story brand marketing book, you know, people see themselves as the hero in the movie. And they, you make it easier when you, I guess, line up more so with the, with the character, you know?

Yeah. And so I

Charlie Thompson: think... Why do they have all these skinny girls doing it then? I don't know. I don't know. What about these body positive girls? God, I've got one. They're not seeing themselves in there, you know? They're probably still feeling bad about themselves.

Nate Thurston: I've been watching, uh, I've been watching the show.

Charlie Thompson: I mean? You can, like, keep going. Yeah. And so it's like, let's make 187 versions of The Little Mermaid. Where we have all representat It's like, come on, man. We can't do that. You could, I guess. But it's like, just make the

Nate Thurston: movie. The point I'm making is that... When you pick the leads in a story, uh, you're picking who is going to most relate to the lead characters in a story.

And as you fractionate down to [00:16:00] a lower and lower percentage of the population.

Charlie Thompson: But, but here, but there's one problem with that. I, no, I think it's, I think it's different than that. See, I think it's more along archetypes. Mm hmm. Because there ain't no woman who wants to go rescue a prince from a dragon.

Like, you can't reverse the roles. Maybe she does.

Nate Thurston: Have you talked to all

Charlie Thompson: the women? Okay, I, I would argue that the amount of women who want to rescue a man from a, from a dragon, probably basically zero, statistically. I don't want to rescue anyone from a dragon. There could be some. I'm saying it has to go back to, I think it's archetypical.

What about trans women? Maybe. Yeah. Maybe. Women, biologically, you know, women want to be protected and rescued. That's why they make those stories. And that's why everyone relates to it, including the

Nate Thurston: woman. Yeah, not anymore. That's, [00:17:00] that's, uh, that's a faux pas. No, it's

Charlie Thompson: still. In culture, right? No, it still is.

Which is why Disney's losing. Yeah, that's true. That's, that's true. That's what I'm, yeah, that's what I think this is all about.

Nate Thurston: Let me see. Uh, Disney has hit rough times economically. The company has been hamstrung by steep losses and it's It's streaming division as well as underwhelming box office results in big, big budget pictures in the Marvel cinematic universe.

That could just be purely exhaustion from people. Like actually, my God, how many movies can there be? We could

Charlie Thompson: take women and we just take women and men out. We can just talk about masculinity and femininity, right? You can just talk about those two different dynamics, which has been, we've been telling stories about masculinity and femininity for thousands of years.

Yeah, it's like it's it's biological it's you know, I agree. I

Nate Thurston: agree for sure the Marvels It's latest MCU sequel has generated just 76. 9 million [00:18:00] domestically and 110 million Overseas in the three weeks since it opened Disney's most recent animated offering, Wish, managed just a measly 31. 7 million over the five day Thanksgiving period.

It had been forecast to debut close to the 50 million. Wish, a fairy tale centered around a wished upon star, fared better than last year's Thanksgiving release for Disney's Strange World. Which bombed with a 18. 9 million holiday opening. I think they

Charlie Thompson: spent more money than that on making it. Yeah.

Nate Thurston: Oops. I did want to show you this.

Remember, this is all White Pill stuff. The orange line is the S& P 500. The white line is Disney. This is since the, uh, just before the COVID crash. Actually, I could have made this look way more dramatic, but I couldn't get my, uh, software to, to, uh, agree with me on this, but since just before the COVID crash, the market, the S and P 500 is up 42 percent and, uh, Disney is down [00:19:00] 40%.

And, uh, it's a good time to buy Disney then it's actually not looking too bad. It just broke out of a channel, uh, moving down to the downside and. If it, uh, comes down and makes a higher low and could potentially, uh, start a turnaround here, especially with this filing, because to me, this, to me, what they're saying and that's not financial advice, by the way, no, no, but what they're saying in this meeting is that they realize that this woke culture thing is not going to work for their movies and that they're going to have to move back towards more traditional films.

Disney movies where they don't pick a stance on things and they don't try to ruffle people's feathers and That could end up being really good and that's coinciding with the time We're just recently broke out of this downward channel and could be making a big reversal on the chart So we'll uh, we'll see if you were to mark this from Uh, the, uh, uh, if you were to mark this from like the highs right there, I mean, [00:20:00] they're down, they're down a lot since this, uh, they never recovered, uh, from that.

We hit the peak in what, 2021 after down below the COVID crash. Yeah. And we hit the peak, uh, in 2021 after the COVID crash and everything else started going back up. Like the market is actually pretty close to all time highs right now. Uh, but Disney never recovered. They just kept going down. Yeah. So that's one of the great things about capitalism, you know, I tweeted out this morning that capitalism is democracy and the people are voting.

That's what it is, you know, we don't need a law passed or anything like that.

Charlie Thompson: Look, look, Disney's

Nate Thurston: changing. People don't like it. They're not going to see the movies. And Disney's losing money. And now Disney is saying, well, you know, this is kind of costing us a lot of money. And to me, this is a precursor to them saying, well, since that's costing us a lot of money, I think that maybe we need to change things.

Are they

Charlie Thompson: talking about how much the CEO is losing? [00:21:00] In his stock compensation?

Nate Thurston: Probably, no, I bet they're not, I bet they're not at all. Cause

Charlie Thompson: it seems like he was worth like 50 percent more than what he is now.

Nate Thurston: It's still going to be really tough for them to turn it around because by this time, they've got so many people at the company that are invested in.

This wokeness culture stuff that they're going to like quit when they try to change things, you know, they're going to have a tough time. And

Charlie Thompson: related movie news. Did you see the daily wire plus trailer for their new comedy coming out? Yeah.

Nate Thurston: To be honest, the movie looks God awful or is it a, but it's a movie.

Charlie Thompson: It's a movie or a show.

Nate Thurston: It's a movie. It's a movie. Okay. Uh, the movie looks god awful, but I support their endeavor. It also looks hilarious. I like the fact that this is a movie, but it's called Lady Ballers. I don't

Charlie Thompson: think, um, I don't think Boring and Shapiro and those guys are actual actors. No, but they are gonna act in this movie, so it's gonna

Nate Thurston: look more like a hour and a half long skit.

Uh, yeah, I bet. Like [00:22:00] an hour and a half long digital short from SNL. Lady Ballers. Lady Ballers. Yeah. That's what it's called. So I'm excited for it. I'm, I'm, you know, I'm excited to see different clips from the movie. I, I, the movie just looks terrible to me, but I'm gonna watch it. It could be. Could be fine.

I'll support it. Uh, yeah. It's funny,

Charlie Thompson: while Disney's going down, things like DailyWirePlus are going up. Well, they

Nate Thurston: started that new one called BentKey, which is a weird word. They're taking advantage and, uh, trying to make their own kids movies. I don't understand the name. I don't either. Is it Bentky? Is this Jewish?

What's that? I don't know. I don't understand why they call that. Uh, this is talking about Wish, uh, not doing well. They name out some other movies, the Marvels, Indiana Jones, uh, things not doing very well. Um, this one talking about is Disney's new movie, Wish, a woke disaster. This one also names out some of the other movies that have been.

Uh, going pretty [00:23:00] terribly, the moral of the story is since we've spent about 23 minutes talking about movies. Uh, it's not going well. And by the way, this thing that I pulled up, here's what I was trying to point out. I see. I truly believe that people want to see themselves as the, as the hero in this, in the story.

Like I, I'm a believer in that idea. Maybe not, maybe not so much by like skin color. I get that because I watch like my hero growing up was Michael Jordan. I never thought about the fact that he was black, you know, never,

Charlie Thompson: never mattered. I don't disagree with that. I'm just saying, I think it goes one level deeper.

Then just like, Oh, I want to see myself as a hero. It's like, well, why, why keep asking why? Until you get to the bottom,

Nate Thurston: I just think you want to see yourself like doing something, doing something great. But why, why? I don't know. Cause that's cool, but I don't have a why I don't have a deeper than that.

Charlie Thompson: Yeah.

Well, I'm saying it does go one level deeper. What's that which is it's part of our [00:24:00] biological nature.

Nate Thurston: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure to be the protector Yeah, all that stuff. Mm hmm. And so let's not men

Charlie Thompson: naturally want to Biologically naturally want to provide they want to provide and protect It's like ingrained, okay?

Women naturally want to sit in their femininity. They don't, they don't want, like, which is they want to be... You're speaking

Nate Thurston: in general

Charlie Thompson: terms right now. In general, yes. Yes. In general. Well, it's the way it's been for thousands of years, okay? So, I'm, it's deeper than just like, than surface level people. Right.

It's generational. It's archetypical. That's what it is. To

Nate Thurston: be fair. There were other reasons for that. I mean, as before, birth control or modern ways of taking care of children or that is true. You know, things like that, like women, there were reasons that they had to be protective and the men would [00:25:00] be and all that.

I think there,

Charlie Thompson: I don't know. I think this is the battle in our culture right now. I think you see it happening right. At least I do. I see it anecdotally. I see a lot of women saying like, I'm tired of making the decisions or I'm tired of this or I'm tired of all of this. I just want to sit in peace and they're not at peace right now because they're not in their femininity.

They're more in their masculinity because you can go back and forth. And I think I see at least anecdotally in our culture. I see a lot of women saying like, I wish my man would take the lead and he's not because he's too scared because of what's happening in our culture. Yeah. So I think they, I think there's still that biological urge, urge and correct me if I'm wrong, ladies in the Fed Haters Club, I see one lady say exactly what's really

Nate Thurston: tough.

What really sucks for women is like, and I could be wrong. I used to want to do nice things for like a rent. So I remember this one time when I forget I was at, um, can't remember what it was. It was something big. I was at Home Depot and [00:26:00] this woman was just imagine like getting the toilet off the shelf.

And trying to put it like on the flatbed cart, and she just looked ridiculous trying to do it. You can imagine, you know, everyone can see this in their heads right now. And I, you know, used to, back in the olden times, you'd think about some, you know, chivalry. You know, chivalry's dead now, okay? Because I just Because you killed it.

You know what I did? I just turned the other way and walked away. Because if I go up there and I try to help her with that toilet, who am I? Some sexist pig who thinks she can't get her own toilet into the cart? Who's

Charlie Thompson: perpetuating the weaker sex narrative?

Nate Thurston: So, I mean, that's just There's no such thing!

They're just stealing our culture right now. Okay, I brought up this chart. Because, uh, like I was saying earlier, I truly believe people want to see them as the character in the movie. And it doesn't have to be by race, but I do think at least by sex. It's a little bit harder to [00:27:00] see, like, the woman as the whatever.

Um, if you're a man watching. Not that you never can. I get it. The Hunger Games are pretty cool movies. Okay, that was fine. But look at who goes to the movies. Here's the point. Who goes to movies? We talked earlier about whether or not men just like going to movies more than women do and I think that since we care so much about things and those details and like I want to see it because of the, uh, just how good they did at making this movie.

And I don't know if, you know, my wife has ever thought about that. Like, Oh, wow, that was a great job. The director did. And the, and the sound engineers all did on this movie and look at this special effects and all that stuff. And they did such a good job. Well, when you look at people who go often or sometimes to the movies, 46 percent of them are male and 37 percent of them are female, but that's not crazy differences.

But that is a fairly big difference that a lot more men are likely to go see things [00:28:00] in the theater than women. Oddly enough, some of this has changed over time because the movies have changed. And you're starting to see more women go to the theater. And in fact, I saw an article where they're trying to get to these untapped resources of women who weren't going to the theater.

And so they are trying to put all of these lead hero roles out there to try and get untapped money. Pot that they weren't getting before, and it's not working out quite as well for them as they, they thought it turns out like women might be way more likely to just wait for something to appear on the streaming, or maybe they go down to the local Redbox and

Charlie Thompson: pick it up.

They still have those? I saw a Redbox

Nate Thurston: the other day when I was at a

Charlie Thompson: CVS and I was like. Did you go randomly just for nostalgia purposes? No, but what

Nate Thurston: I wanted, I felt the need to do was sit outside in the parking lot and wait. For the person who came to like rent a movie from the red box and just try to figure out what their life is You know [00:29:00] what it is that they're doing.

Charlie Thompson: I saw a VHS player the other day. Really? Yeah, it was it felt heavy

Nate Thurston: It's big really big stuff Let's see never go to the movie 14 percent of men See never go to the movie 21 percent for women never go to the movie And then the rarely was, was kind of similar. The, the often is much higher for males. The sometimes as much often, there are much more for males.

And I think that's one way that they've gone wrong. They're not giving us enough heroes to go and see, you know? And, um, that, that's what I think they need to fix as a man. That's what I want to see. That's your man. I'm sick of all these woman heroes out there always saving all the men. Wonder Woman is pretty cool.

Oh God. I only watched the 1984 one and I, it might've been the. It might have been one of my least favorite movies I've ever seen. [00:30:00] Also, by the way It was like frickin 19 hours long and just ridiculous.

Charlie Thompson: I say all this, and I, I hate having disclaimers, but I say all this, I think men and women are still free to do what they want.

Oh. Oh,

Nate Thurston: that's a Like Man, that is a

Charlie Thompson: big statement there. If a, if a woman wants to be intermasculine, or wants to, wants to go towards masculinity, like doesn't If a woman doesn't want kids and wants to be a boss A, B, and, you know, like, wants to do all those things, and hey, more power to you, go do it, you know?

I'm just saying, statistically, they're probably not gonna be as happy as they would if they were more in their natural instincts. You see a lot of, at least anecdotally, They

Nate Thurston: don't actually feel fulfilled. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Not that meaning. Yeah. Mm hmm.

Charlie Thompson: And I'm just saying that's, that's just the biological nature.

I didn't make up the rules. Yeah. All right. Talk to God about that. It's not good [00:31:00] luck with that. That's not, uh, but at the same time, I want to make sure people know that like, well, as long as you're an adult, you're free to do what you want. I don't, you can't change kids sex. I will forever be against that.

But you know. If you're a woman, you know, who's old enough and decides you want to change something, whatever, go ahead. You're free to do that.

Nate Thurston: While we have a few more minutes, there are some other... And I'm free

Charlie Thompson: to have an opinion to think that you won't be as

Nate Thurston: happy. Let's just announce a few good news items here real quick for, for Hawaii to build Wednesday.

Cause they're just little, little topics. Little topics like 41 workers being rescued from a collapsed tunnel in India. Did you hear about that? No, I didn't. Heard about that yesterday. I like when people are rescued. They were trapped in there for two weeks. Um, they were trapped in a tunnel under construction, uh, in India.

Uh, cameras, politicians. That's why I don't

Charlie Thompson: work in tunnels.

Nate Thurston: Uh, let's see. Uh, they say in here, like the Chilean miners. Remember the Chilean [00:32:00] miners thing? Or the Thai cavers. There's something about workmen trapped on the ground that captures the world's attention. And it happened again. Uh, with a November 12th landslide caused a portion of the 2.

2 mile tunnel to collapse. That's a big tunnel. Blocking a section of the path as long as two football fields, uh, to exit. They survived on food and oxygen sent in through narrow steel pipes. While more than a dozen physicians were monitoring their health through various sensors, uh, well coordinated effort.

It's pretty cool they can do that stuff now. Yeah, pretty sweet. Uh, they escaped with, uh, no one was seriously injured. Uh, they only had like a couple minor injuries and all of them survived. And they were there for two weeks. Pretty crazy.

Charlie Thompson: Wow. Crazy stuff. So last Friday, the drilling machine used to create the path for the pipes broke.

And from then until Tuesday, teams worked on through the night and shifts using hand drills. Woo! Hmm. Uh, by Tuesday they had drilled through over a hundred feet of rubble. Wow. By hand. With a drill. Well

Nate Thurston: probably, yeah, with a drill

Charlie Thompson: in your hand. Yeah, but [00:33:00] by hand, with a drill. Yeah, but not a machine drill.

Yeah. The big one.

Nate Thurston: Yeah. Just a normal, like a, like a Makita. Or a DeWalt or something. I guess. Okay, so that's pretty cool, that's good news. How about a couple other good little technological innovations before maybe we get to one more thing that's not really a white pill, if we have time. Um, I always like cool things that could make life better for everyone.

On the planet, you know, later when they have cool little discoveries and, uh, the scientists have found that exposing plants to, uh, unusual chemical early can bolster their growth and help feed the world and cause cancer. One thing they know, well, it's a natural, it's a natural hormone. I am, I have questions.

But it's a natural hormone that plants have. Did you know plants, they, they get stressed? Yeah, plants have feelings. These, uh, genetically modified plants, they focus everything on their, their growth, and they don't have any room left to focus [00:34:00] on the stress thing. And they can't, when it gets too hot or too dry, they can't like move.

Somewhere which created a really funny picture in my mind of like old plants scurrying around in the field You know, I met that's a whole different world of plants could just move around like that. That's a Disney Luckily, they have those hard sell walls They you know that make it to where

Charlie Thompson: they can't move one problem is plants don't have representation of themselves in movies That's true to realize, well, except for veggie tails, I guess.

Yeah, there you go. You

Nate Thurston: know,

Charlie Thompson: but those are all Christian plants.

I just, cause I could see a Disney movie, like a corn stock, you

Nate Thurston: know, stupid song moving around, just like any other organism. Plants can get stressed. Usually it's conditions like high, like heat and drought that leads to the stress. And when they're stressed, plants might not grow large as large or produce as much.

This can be a problem for farmers. Uh, so many scientists have tried genetically modifying plants to become more resilient. But plants modified for higher crop yields tend to have a lower stress tolerance. [00:35:00] because they put more energy in the growth than into protection against stresses. Similarly, improving the ability of plants to survive stress often results in plants that produce less because they put more energy in the protection than into growth.

This conundrum makes it difficult to improve crop production. But they've been studying a plant hormone, ethylene. Never heard of her. Which regulates growth and stress responses in plants. In a study published back in July. Uh, the lab made an unexpected and exciting observation. They found that when seeds are germinating in darkness, as they usually are underground, adding ethylene can increase both their growth and their stress tolerance.

Uh, so they basically

Charlie Thompson: talk about So the plant's like, hey, is this environment less stressful? And they're like, no, no, no, it's not less stressful. Which, you're just gonna feel like it is. So they,

Nate Thurston: they basically expose these seeds to this, uh, ethylene, uh, this ethylene gas, I guess, in the soil. And it turns [00:36:00] out it helped them grow much bigger and stronger, faster than the other seeds.

And we already have the genetically modified plants, and that's one of the reasons that we're all alive, by the way. I hate it when people talk negatively about, about genetically modified crops. It means that they know absolutely nothing. About the amount of food that we need and what what yields on crops used to be before we had those things You seem like a farmer and it seems like I come from a farm family And it seems like people have absolutely no clue how much more food we produce.

You're just a big farm shill Genetic modifications. You're a big farm

Charlie Thompson: shill. Yeah, not big pharma. You're a big farm.

Nate Thurston: You're talking about billions Less people would be able to be on the planet if we didn't have, uh, what some of these Monsanto seeds that we have, you know, it's like, it's, it's that different.

Monsanto has saved billions of people's lives. Well, or whoever it is that created the stuff. I can't [00:37:00] remember the dude's name.

Charlie Thompson: They just

Nate Thurston: kill you later. It might shave me We've talked about We've talked about it before what if it shaves

Charlie Thompson: would you rather die from cancer or from starvation? What if it shows people I think would choose cancer?

Nate Thurston: What if it shaves five years off your life ten years off your life? Uh, but, it, your life happened in the first place. Versus not happening. Versus it didn't happen. Yeah, that's true. So that, that's actually the decision that you're making. Yeah. It's not, we'll just not have these and then everyone will still be able to eat.

But if you want to grow

Charlie Thompson: your own organic food, no one's stopping you. No, go

Nate Thurston: ahead. If you want to buy organic food. Another thing that annoys me is when people complain about organic food costing more. Like there's some kind of big conspiracy to hurt people who eat organic food or to price gouge people.

It's just more expensive. It costs more to make it. Right. Because it makes less than the other stuff does, you know? It's harder to take care of. Don't [00:38:00] make it more difficult than it is. Like it's that, that's what food would cost if we didn't have all of these GMOs. Yeah. So anyhow, uh, this is a natural way.

I am, I would like to question how much of this is left over in the plant extra that then gets transferred to the people who eat it. And whether or not it would help us deal with stress better, you know, I don't know if ethylene helps no clue I had no clue what that stuff is. Yeah, but what if it did I don't know Anyhow, maybe you should conduct the experiment one more cool thing Eli Lilly another big pharma giant, you know, one of those evil Companies not that they don't do bad stuff, but they've got a drug In trial, right now, I think it made it through phase one, that is, that cut heart disease risk factor by 96%, so that's pretty good.

It's pretty,

Charlie Thompson: that sounds decent.

Nate Thurston: Yeah, go ahead Charlie, you're the medical expert

Charlie Thompson: here. The first [00:39:00] inhuman trial of an experimental drug, um. Lepo dis Lepo disiran found that a single shot could dramatically and durably reduce blood levels of, um, your LDL, your cholesterol, a currently untreatable risk factor for heart disease.

The challenge, your levels of LDL cholesterol, the bad kind that clogs arteries and leads to heart disease, are based on a combination of factors including genetics, diet, and lifestyle. That means if your LDL is too high, you can change what you eat, exercise more, or cut back on vices like smoking and alcohol.

There are also drugs like statins that are highly effective at lowering LDL levels. Lipoprotein, or LP, A, is another particle produced by your liver, just like LDL, and high levels in your blood independently raises your risk of heart disease. Unlike LDL, though, your LPA levels are determined almost entirely by genetics.

That means an estimated 20 percent [00:40:00] of the global population who have high levels of LPA can't reduce this major risk factor for heart disease, and there aren't any proven medicines to significantly lower Those levels either to mitigate their risk this group must be even more careful about their LDL levels Since that's the only factor they can control.

Nate Thurston: So does this affect the LPA or just the LDL? Yeah So

Charlie Thompson: what's here we go What's new on November 12th researchers published the results of a phase 1 trial of an experimental drug being developed by pharma giant Eli Lilly The drug was shown to lower participants high LPA levels by as much as 96 percent from their

Nate Thurston: baseline.

So that's not the one that you can control, that's the one that you can't control. Yeah.

Charlie Thompson: It's the genetic one. If further trials show that this medication is safe and can reduce heart attacks and strokes, it would be good news for patients because it eliminates a risk factor we've been unable to treat.

Heart disease is a big problem. It is. A lot of... It's still the number one killer. It is. [00:41:00] Yeah. Your heart will attack and kill you. It

Nate Thurston: will. Like every time, that's what happens. Yep. That's the last thing to kill you is

Charlie Thompson: your heart. By the way, Costco, you said you shouldn't eat drugs. Do that, take care of your body, reduce risks.

But you can only control one form of cholesterol.

Nate Thurston: It's confusing because I thought they were starting off by saying that it controlled your LDL. Um. No. Let's see.

Charlie Thompson: Look at the subheading there. There's no way to treat high LP.

Nate Thurston: A. Okay, well the beginning of the article I was, I thought they were talking about LDL, not LPA.

Okay. No, it's

Charlie Thompson: saying your heart, your levels of LDL cholesterol, the bad kind that clogs arteries and leads to heart disease, are based on a combination of factors including genetics, diet, and lifestyle. So your diet and lifestyle can help reduce your LDL cholesterol.

Nate Thurston: Yeah, okay. Now, Bailey, that's, uh, that's only for kids.

That guns are the number one killer. Uh, when you get later, if you surpri if you survived. Uh, downrange or school as we call it, uh, then later on your heart will attack and kill [00:42:00] you. Yeah. So

Charlie Thompson: anytime, anytime someone says that, you know, he, that guy's got a big heart better. Watch it Let's

Nate Thurston: see 42 minutes.

Let's call. I don't want to I don't want to throw in any negativity here Because I just leave it on a good note. Yeah, this could be good for just want to be good for tomorrow So let's just leave it with some good stuff today. Yeah, how

Charlie Thompson: about that? Good news kind of We talked a lot about women in this one, Nate.


Nate Thurston: but we were right, so that's a good part about that. Yeah,

Charlie Thompson: that's one thing about being a man, you know?

Nate Thurston: Yeah, it feels so good.

Charlie Thompson: We have the privilege of mansplaining. Do you notice how fast it You know you don't hear like, Oh, don't womansplain that to me. That's because men don't complain. Do you notice

Nate Thurston: how fast it flipped in that movie last night where in one He goes, you're, you know, he's upset with her about something and he says, he says that you're nothing with, [00:43:00] he says, you're nothing without me.

And you know, later on in the day, she gets him to say that he's nothing without her. And he's, she's completely flipped it back around on him where he's like crying and Becky. Yeah. Yep. Turns out this massive world conqueror, Napoleon was just trying to impress a lady. You know, Josephine and, uh, once again, everything that men, everything, uh, bad that men have done throughout history was, uh, had a woman behind it.

So there you go.

Charlie Thompson: I can't tell if that's joke or

Nate Thurston: we'll never know. All

Charlie Thompson: right. If you enjoyed today's episode or you didn't share it or don't, I don't care. Uh, stopped caring about that a long time ago. We're going to do this show regardless because we like it. I don't care if you like it, uh, go follow us on all of our socials, we have all of them out there, tons of them, [00:44:00] we're even on threads, I think, right, if anybody's on there, I don't know if we post on there or

Nate Thurston: not, but, we don't post on threads, you can still follow us, threads is dead,

Charlie Thompson: dead, um, I'm just saying, I'm just saying we're everywhere, like everyone knows the numbers, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,

Nate Thurston: X, the numbers about threads were like BS from the, from the start, I mean if you had an Instagram account, He basically had a Threads account.

I haven't signed up for it. You know, like you just hit a button. It didn't mean you were using it or anything. Like they transferred so much of it from, just transferred from Instagram basically. That's why they had crazy numbers. They're trying to compete against X. No one's using it. They're trying to, but who uses, how many times do you see a viral thread out there posted somewhere, you know?

Yeah, the news hasn't picked up on it yet. You see a, a truth social post will go viral on Twitter on X. You see a viral TikTok, someone will repost it on X. [00:45:00] When's the last time you saw a viral thread that someone posted on X? Yeah. Talking about how everyone was talking about whatever this thing

Charlie Thompson: is. Maybe Elon's blocking it.

No, that could be it. The point is we're on all the socials, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, X, uh, YouTube, the other video platforms, rumble, rumble, Odyssey. Anyway, just go check us out on all those. Please. Um, subscribe on YouTube.

Nate Thurston: Please you're acting like you want them to

Charlie Thompson: actually do it or don't I was gonna follow all that up with or not I'm getting confused.

Yeah, uh, leave us a rating and review or not and Um, I think that's it. Okay, and if you do or don't do those things, we'll be back again tomorrow Hope you have a good day or a bad day and a good morning Liberty

Nate Thurston: or bad morning Liberty,

Charlie Thompson: or I don't care Liberty


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